
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely on generous donations from individuals and companies. If you would like to become a supporter of the Community Free Dental Clinic, please leave a donation today by clicking the red button below! 

If you prefer to make a donation via check, please mail it to Community Free Dental Clinic at 2341 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801.

We Need:

Volunteer dentists, dental assistants, and nurses! You can volunteer one afternoon per month, or as  much as your schedule allows. 

Office volunteers! We need help processing patients and paperwork.

In-kind contributions! Dental equipment, dental supplies, office supplies, gloves, masks, and disinfectant are used on a daily basis.  We also collect personal & dental hygiene items to provide our homeless patients.

Cash Contributions!

$25 purchases PPE for the staff!

$215 covers one patient’s visit and treatment!

$4,500 covers Lidocaine, Septocaine and other numbing agents for a year!

$15,000 covers all of our dental supplies for a year!

What are our future needs?
Funding to buy additional equipment and hire a full-time dentist.

Other Ways to Support

You can donate (at no cost to you!) by choosing to shop at and selecting Community Free Dental Clinic as your charitable organization. will donate .5% of your purchases to us.

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